Saturday, June 28, 2008

Busy June

I've done a lot of traveling this month. I had a good time hunting and fishing with a friend from Kentucky. We didn't get him a bear but we saw plenty of wildlife. This Dall sheep came all the way down to the road. I took this picture on his way down and he was about ten feet above my head. He's not very big and he's pretty ratty looking. It's neat to watch them any way.
Meg turned ten this month. I love this picture of her. I know I'm daddy, but I think she is so pretty. We were at Grandma Young's house for the June birthdays.
Have you seen one of these before? A motorcycle with a side car pulling a motor cycle on a trailer.
This picture was taken while bear hunting. Look at that water behind me. Incredible. That's Ptarmigan Lake, about a 3.5 mile hike near Seward.
This picture was taken near Hope, also after a bear hunt. This has got to be one of the top three sunsets ever. Ever! It's also about 1130 pm. Cool.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Kentucky visit

We went to Kentucky for a couple of weeks this spring. The kids had a great time playing with their cousins and loving on grand parents. They also enjoyed the abundant local wildlife. Unfortunately, some of the wildlife enjoyed them too. That's a tick in Justice's pit. He looks quite concerned. He had one somewhere on him just about every night. Colton had a couple on his "nachos". You can guess what that is.

Is this boy handsome or what? This was at the hotel we stayed in in Chitcago where his uncle Adam and aunt Susan were married. The kids had a good time in the hotel pool and in the lobby. I'm surprised we weren't asked to leave.
Here's another critter we had fun with. It was probably the kids favorite. A couple of seconds later and I we would have captured Megan in a scream as the snake curled it's tail down into her shirt.
This poor snake got passed around quite a bit. I let Chase hold it before we let it go and it tried to back down into his shirt too. Good times.
On the drive back to Chitcago, we passed our time playing with fruit loops. We were gonna have them wear them through the airport to match their green shirts, but they kept dissolving. A good time was had by all.