My first Moose. He's no whopper, measured in at 43 inches, but I'd have been happy with a spike. I left work at 0700 and headed out, I had just walked into the woods and saw a moose. It was still dark and it took me a while to realize it wasn't a bull. I tried to see how close I could get and ranged her at 20 yards. She didn't care that I was there. I took pictures until I was bored, and heard several crashes, like trees being snapped further into the woods. I didn't think it would be a moose, but decided to see what was making all the noise. I started walking and in no time saw moose legs under a spruce tree. As I got closer, I saw another moose, and then another, and finally another! I knew my odds were good that one of them would be a bull. I identified one as a small bull and headed toward him. As I closed the distance, I saw that the first moose I spotted was a much bigger bull. I shot him at 31 yards with a bow. Notice that it is November 6th and we have no snow yet!

The pack out.

My buddy Jon and I took a similar picture last year with his moose.

While I was starting to field dress my moose, another bull of the same size walked right by! If that's not crazy enough, another larger bull came by when Jon and I were field dressing mine. 4 bulls in one day! Incredible!