I drew the ultimate archery only tag for any bull moose on Ft. Rich and have been hard at it for nearly a month now. I've been out 15-18 times and had seen 1 cow on my first outing until 3 days ago when I saw another moose. It was high tailing it into weeds and I never saw its head to i.d. it. I wouldn't have been able to get a shot off as there was an 8 foot chain link fence between us, so I decided it was a cow. Problem solved. The next day, I saw a bull! Awesome! It scared the crap out of me. I didn't get a shot off because the area I was walking in was like a field of giant pick-up-sticks. Only these sticks weren't colorful smooth plastic twigs. They were fallen pine trees with sharp broken limbs sticking out in all directions to trip you up or gouge a chunk of leg or prostate out. I saw the bull one time w/i my range but wasn't positioned to take a shot and he was walking away. I ducked under a tree and when I stood up, it was gone. How a 1000 plus pound animal can evaporate like a puff of smoke that quick w/o making the slightest noise will always amaze (and frustrate) me. But, I'm hunting. And that's what I like to do. It gets me in the woods away from traffic and cell phones and people in general. I found a nice shed and I'm seeing lots of animals. I don't recall ever seeing a coyote before, but look how close this guy is. That's bow range on a coyote! Why can't I get this close to a moose?
I have seen wolves before. But never this close. When I first saw him, he was in bow range! Why can't I get this close to a bull? It looks like he has a collar on. And he does. Fish and game has one wolf with a radio collar, this is it. Pretty cool.