My buddy John and I went griz hunting a couple of days ago. We stayed for two days in this cabin. Look at that view! It didn't stay like this though. It was overcast most of the time, with breaks of rain, snow and sleet, with the occasional blue sky.
If we were hunting caribou, all we'd have seen was bears. But since the caribou have access to the internet, they knew they weren't legal and they were all over the place. These happen to be on top of a mountain. There's plenty to eat and they can see forever, so a bear's not going to sneak up on them. We were within rifle range. Of course the bears have internet access too, so they were scarce, we saw one. Looked to be huge. We gave chase, but he was after another herd of caribou and we couldn't keep up with either.
In Alaska, there is no closed season and no limit on these critters. I was looking for a den when I found this porcupine. He's facing a rock and had his nose tucked in a hole under it. He's pretty much bomb proof. Here, he raised his head up to see what was making the noise. I stomped the ground and he puffed up. After a few minutes of sitting still, curiosity got the better of him and he looked up.
This is his back door. You can see his quills now and part of the hole he stuck his nose in. We saw enough of these to fill the freezer. One was about 15-20 feet up in the top of a tree. Who knew they were climbers? Interesting critters.

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