Last week we went on a road trip into the Denali National Park. This is a big deal in many ways. Every year, the state has a lottery and allows 4-5 hundred vehicles per day for three days to travel beyond the point on the road that is normally limited to tour bus use only. It's about 85 miles to the end of the road with a maximum speed limit of 35 mph. Long day! But there is plenty to see along the way. You can't look anywhere without being awed by God's creation. These pictures do not do it justice. Many people make the drive and never see Mt. McKinley. We were more fortunate than that. It was visible for us for about an hour and a half. In this picture you can see the highest point in North America, just over the top of Chase's head. In case you're wondering, it's cold. It would be bearable but the wind is blowing very hard here. Colt has a piece of jerky.

This is the same area, just close up so you can see the mountain better. We continued on the road that runs through the valley.

Throughout the trip, we saw an abundance of wild life. The most of which was bears. I think they're my favorite to watch. We saw about 12 bears. There's two above the road in this picture. They are heading for the gap between the SUV and the white car. It's a couple of juvenile brown bears. All the red colored bushes are blue berries. They were chowing down all over the hillside.

This is one of them when we were driving by. You can just see its back and head.

And here they are after they crossed below the road. They kept people pinned to the area for a while.I'll have more photos on this trip later as I get them from the rest of the family that went with us.
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