Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A quick one

My bou finally came back from the taxidermist and well, it's a heck of a lot bigger than I remember. My plan was to put it over the window in the living room. We have vaulted ceilings and you'd think that would be tall enough. Or, at least I did. Wrong. We needed 5 ft of clearance minimum to mount the beast and that area was short by about a foot. So, I had to put him where the bear was over the front door. He looks great although he's  a little hidden. 

My taxi says he has a lot of "character traits" that make him very unique. His ears suffered some sort of injury that he can't explain, and hasn't seen before. It may have been from a predator attack or from thick brush or who knows what. I'm going with a wolf story. 

He also has a double bez on his right side that is somewhat rare. Bez are the parts of the antlers that stick up just above where the shovel is, if a bou even has a shovel. Mine has one full shovel on his left with both bez on the right. Typically they have a bez on each side. Although there isn't any thing very typical about caribou antlers. 

The last trait he mentioned was he has several light colored tufts of hair on his muzzle. He thinks this is where bugs had bitten into him or possibly laid eggs on him. He found several larvae under his hide when I brought it in. We found one in the field but though nothing of it.

1 comment:

kybrowns said...

You should have mounted it KY style - put a hole through the roof! Seriously though are you going to have to build a "wildlife" wing on your new house?