We were afraid to go far from the house on Justice's first day of school. Today, we over came that fear. I arranged with my good friend Rob to take our wives up to my favorite ATV trail, Puritan Creek. I love it for it's grand views, the chance to see sheep, and the best blue berry patches I've come across in Alaska. We dropped our wives off about a mile in, gave them a pistol and told them if they picked enough berries, we'd give them a ride back out. They did well.
At this point, we've already spotted sheep. Rob grabbed his Swaro spotter and we discovered they were ewes and lambs. The saddle just above Rob's head is or destination. The sheep are in the gray rocks to the left of that. You'll just have to take my word for it, as they are but specks to the naked eye.
Fast forward, we are on top. We hiked up the ridge a bit to get a better angle on the sheep. We're now on the first point to the left of the saddle described in the picture above. The sheep are now 500 feet below us. We could be having lamb chops.
Cathy's tow was 4 quarts! Not bad for a couple hours work, although she says her back is hurting. I have to go find some Motrin for her. Enjoy the pictures.