Saturday, August 14, 2010

Hunt in Review

Eric and I started out in beautiful sunshine. We were pretty much blessed throughout the hunt with little rain. We stopped here to rest, snack and glass the mountains for potential legal rams. No sheep but some very nice caribou sheds. We stacked them and named the hill Caribou Point. Eric is clowning here, he's actually looking back towards the way we came in. Tomorrow, opening day.
First nights camp. We saw a few sheep here and there throughout the day. Nothing to change our direction. We saw a band of about 7-9 ewes and lambs on the ride further up, promising, but not too. When we woke in the morning, Eric spotted sheep on the other side of the valley we had just ascended, and we formed a plan that would ultimately unfold into a sheep hunters dream.
This is breakfast in my tent, a cup of coffee and some freeze dried scrambled eggs amongst the ambience of sweaty socks and a handkerchief drying from the ceiling. Ahh, the life.
This is my shot. I took this minutes after my ram went down. I'm waiting to see if he will emerge and I'll need a second shot. The white spot is two other rams that were waiting for marching orders from the alpha. Rams will form up in small bands, they spar over who is the baddest, then he calls the shots. If he doesn't like a situation, he leaves, and the others follow. When the patriarch is taken out, they will linger a while in confusion. This can be bad(for them) if there is another legal ram in the group.
Both of us with our caped out rams. This was taken from our campsite on our 2nd and 3rd nights.

This is the creek we had to hike out of. It's never real steep, but nearly every step has the potential to break or wrench your ankle, and it's 3 miles long. Then you have to walk through the woods. That has pitfalls of its own, but not nearly as bad or as long as the creek.

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