Monday, January 27, 2014

2013 Hawaii Vacation- Around the Big Island 3

This year we decided to go to Hilo by way of the Saddle Road. It cuts over the top of the island. You can see the Mauna Kea Space Observatory at 13,800 ft above sea level.
We had to stop to stretch our legs. There was a toilet, but it smelled so bad, the boys would have no part of it. Justice reminds me of the picture of the bigfoot/elf sighting. Rednecks, I love 'em.
 Once into Hilo, we stopped at a farmers market for some fruit. The peels of a rambutan make for great clown noses.

Or sun glasses.
This is Rainbow Falls in Hilo. It has an 80 ft drop to the pool below. It was considered for an international high dive competition, but it wasn't tall enough.

We found this tree when we were walking to get a different view of Rainbow Falls. I've put Banyon trees on our blog before, but this one seemed to out do them all.
 They moved, I didn't.
 After leaving Hilo, we moved further north up the coast. This is Akaka Falls. At 442 ft., it's over twice the height of Niagara Falls.

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