Justice is excited about his cake and candle. Colton is excited about Justice's loot. That's a German Chocolate and beside that is a Cherry Dump Cake. We fried halibut, grilled salmon and ate way too much. Ahh the good life, wish you were there.
This was a pink and purple pony that our friend Stacey LeBlanc gave Justice. He loved it, it's already missing the wings. Now if I can get him to paint it black and mount some heat seeking missiles on it, we'll be good to go.

This was yesterday, 14 Oct, we were moose hunting in Eklutna. It had been raining earlier, the clouds had just cleared for this beautiful view of Twin Peaks. The other two bald peaks are John Chin and John Williams. Nobody had hair on this hunt. We didn't see any moose or bear. We did see two grouse, but they must have been shot at before. They took to the treetops before we could get into range.
Tell the boy Happy birthday!
We fried some halibut yesterday also!
yumm I'm hunnnnnnnngry!!! Oh yeah, well we fixed gordons fish stix things. see ya
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