Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Berries, birthdays and salmon

These are more pictures from my August file.
This is Colt on his 5th birthday. We had a party for him and his cousin Joshua. In the picture is Meg, cousin Riley, Chloe LeBlanc and the back of Justice's head.
This picture of Chase and justice was on mount Baldy above the house. Another beautiful day, we were picking blue berries. You can see Mt McKinley in the background. I love Justice's expression, I can't explain it, I don't know what he's doing. He's an Edlin, there's no telling.

The picture of Chase was the last day we went salmon fishing. He has a spawned out red. I need to teach him how to hold the fish so it looks bigger. I'm gonna add a picture of me holding one to show contrast, it's dirty pool, but it's pool. It also shows the details of the fish, but mostly it makes the fish look bigger.
I added the picture and realized the guy behind me has a fish on. It's pretty late in the season and most of the fish we landed were spawned out. We took home 7 that day, 9 was our limit.

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