Tuesday, December 16, 2008

First panoramic post

My friend Eric got a pair of snow machines last week and we've been chompin' at the bit to take 'em out huntin'. We hunted. We saw two rabbits, five moose and two ferret looking things. Minks? Three of the moose were bulls, nice but sub-legal. Next year. When our ride started, we couldn't see the sky anywhere. After we had lunch and started back, a brisk wind kicked up and blew the sky wide open above us. This view inspired me to try out the panoramic function on my camera. It worked pretty good. It makes the terrain look sloped, but otherwise, it looks pretty good. We're looking west at the Chugach Mountains. Knik Glacier is up the valley to the left. Wasilla is out of the valley to the right. Anchorage is on the other side of the mountains.

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