Monday, March 23, 2009

Day 6 Mauna Kea Beach

This is Mauna Kea Resort Beach. It is possibly one of the best sand beaches I've ever seen. It's white sand and very fine. The water was rough this day, and it was very windy, but on a sunny day I can't imagine any better. It supposedly has excellent snorkeling too. We tried but the current was too rough and kept whipping us around. That's Colt making the best of the surf trying to boogie board.This is one of my favorite pictures. We slathered the kids with sun screen so they weren't miserable with burns and everyone else's vacation wasn't ruined by their misery. Justice likes the water well enough, but for him, the sand is what it's all about. This is a kid who has to change his clothes if  they get wet or some dinner on them. He looks like he's wearing sand mascara. 
This is the namesake for the resort. It's the dormant volcano Mauna Kea, and yes, that's snow on top of old smokey.
It wasn't always sunny while we were there, but there's good things about that too. This is a double rainbow I snapped while shopping (again) in Kona. The top one is very faint.

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