Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Underwater Eye candy

O.K., so this guy isn't underwater. But isn't he cool! Or she. I didn't check under the shell. Anyway, we're at Pu'uhonua O Honaunau (Place of Refuge) National Historic Park. There were lots of turtles here. This one sunbathed here for a while. 
This is an eel. Probably not in the category of eye candy either, but still cool to look at. 
Honu! That's Hawaiian speak for sea turtle. They don't fear you or swim away. They just continue about there business. Sometimes I'd be looking at fish, justing floating, and a turtle would come swimming by. More than once they scared the poi out of me. They're considerable larger than anything else in the water.
This is a moorish Idol and a convict Tang. More to follow.
This is a school of Yellow Tang. They're at about 15 feet deep.

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